Flow with Qi Gong

What is Qi Gong

Translated as Energy work or skill. Working with your own internal and external life force energy with gentle movements, self-massage, visualization, breath work and meditation. Qi Gong dates back to 1122BCE. Energy (Qi pronounced “Chee” ) circulates through energy channels and when opened through breathing and movement stimulate the life force energy.

I practice and teach Yoqi Qi Gong which fuses spiritual, Martial and Medical Qi Gong. Like in Feng Shui I work with and connect to the five elements in accordance with Traditional Chinese Medicine.


By “Tuning” into and connecting with your body, mind and soul you can start to improve wellbeing, relaxation and importantly balance.

I use this gentle practice as part of my morning routine to start my day feeling motivated, refreshed by awakening my digestive system and vitality. Using stretching, breathing and mindful  techniques Qi Gong assists with clearing stagnant energy. If you struggle to sit for a meditation then practicing Qi Gong maybe for you.


Qi Gong prior to Reiki

Ever get the feeling you are surrounded by negative vibes? Or you’ve had a challenging day whether it be people or environments?

I offer a 15 minute session of Qi Gong prior to receiving Reiki. This offers the opportunity for you to “shake off “ the energy, clear any energy that is stagnant and this helps to get you grounded so you can go into the Reiki session feeling ready to allow the relaxation to flow…

Live Classes

I currently offer small groups classes and 1:1 sessions at my space. The sessions last approximately 30 minutes please allow 45 minutes in total. Book here to see when the next available session is and to book

Community Qi Gong

Join me every Tuesday morning in October for Beginners Free Qi Gong.To attend you must register




Offer your staff an opportunity to enhance their energy flow, to bring in the calm and to create concentration and better focus, making way for new opportunities to benefit themselves and the company.