

How do you feel when you have learnt something new? Inspired to continue? Intrigued to know more?

This page is dedicated to connecting, enlightening and empowering. Connecting to other people to share stories, maybe create something whilst doing so may take you away from everyday life.

All events and gatherings will be listed on humantix, you can keep up to date here


Qi Gong will be offered on a weekly basis stay tuned here

Monthly Meditation

The first Monday of every month dates are listed on humantix, we start with a gentle shake off the vibe flow, then a guided meditation followed by a herbal tea.

Learn Reiki

Reiki in the first,second degree are currently available. The next planned Reiki 1 is listed below

I also offer 1:1 to learn which can be offered to suit the client * must be booked a 1- 2 month in advance.

Learn to Dowse

This is a great way to catch up with friends and have a group session at my place or yours. An interactive workshop with some fun!

I also offer 1:1 tuition bookings require to be made 1-2 months in advance* Contact sara

Learn to Dowse

Weekly happenings

Stay tuned for 2025  here

Register here to attend beginners welcome.Quinns Rocks
Mindful Mondays Sunrise Qi Gong & Meditation-SOLD OUT
Qi Gong & Meditation.Information & Book Here

Crafty Creating coming soon...

Stay connected

Master Reiki Training is coming in 2025 stay tuned here