Simply- to create balance and optimize flow. Observing the natural elements in the space, and how this can influence the occupants, in a positive or negative way. How the movement within the space creates harmony for the occupants to thrive and connect. We also determine the influence of time on a building, all numbers have meaning which we interpret and offer solutions. Colours also play a part in Feng Shui so it is super important to to identify which room is allocated to which purpose before redecorating.
The building can be seen as a reflection of what is happening in the occupants lives. Are there relationship challenges? Have finances changed since moving to the home? Do you love your home? Has your health changed since spending time in the space? Are you sleeping well?
Since the world is now penetrated with external toxins, such as electromagnetic radiation, chemicals, lifestyle changes is there a surprise that allergies are on the high or other ailments to the detriment of the human body such as Geopathic Stress can have an invisible influence on human, animal & plant health.
The land and previous occupants can also have an effect on a space. If you have moved into a rental or bought a home. It is beneficial to put your intent into the space. Clearing away or banishing old energy that doesn’t serve you or your family. Maybe you want to redecorate or renovate. Negative energy is no different from a coffee stain that has not been wiped away. You can learn how to clear away the energy.
The last few years has seen many more people working from home, appreciated by some, whilst challenging for others who maybe lack space, or the supportive environment. As you may well spend 6 hours a day at the desk it’s important to create the space especially uniquely for the work environment. Desk sizes, facing direction all play a part in contributing to success and prosperity.
After we have had our initial consultation. We will make an appointment for my initial visit to your space.
I will then return (normally within 2 weeks) with a detailed report and solutions to recommend. This is an approximate 2-3 hour visit for me to explain the basics of the report and answer any questions.
I love to create spaces using the elements. Especially love the use of colour and how to apply it in different areas of your home. If this is something you require assistance with connect with me
After the second visit, I am available for any questions or clarifications that you may need assistance with. In addition to this if you wish to show me your changes then I can return to view if you are local, if you are further away we can video chat.
After Chinese new year every year there are different visiting energies that you will need to be made aware of, I offer updates and an onsite consultation to check in on you and your space.
No problem. Simple changes can make a big difference. In the next few months I will be working on setting up an online communication channel for those interested in staying tuned
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